As We Believe

We at Servants Of Christ are changing lives on mind at a time, by being a voice to the voiceless and speaking the unspoken. 

How do we do this?

We do this by ensuring that we are about: culture, kingdom, lifestyle, family, and obedience to the Most High Yah . We live by the seven F’s: Faith, Family, Food, Finance(Fortune), Foundation, Fasting, Facts.

We believe in ensuring that we create a nation as the Bible declares. Psalm 122 tells us that we should be a nation that comes together and ensures that we come out of contempt for ourselves, which is mentioned in psalm 123. We take time out to teach how to live, then live with Yah’s Love every day, with one another, in a manner that allows people to see that this is not virtual it is reality.

We are not Christian, however, we do believe As We Believe What We Believe: the Bible, not only the 66 books. We also believe in the Apocrypha. Our ways are not His, nor are our thoughts His thoughts; We want to make sure that we keep the commandments, keep his word sacred and continue to create an environment that allows everybody to do the same. This means that we must change our mindset concerning marriage, agriculture, economy and even fellowship.

We would love to have you join us on this journey as we stay committed to this community mindset. Contact Us.

7 F’s Explained: YouTube Links For All of These Can Be Found Here:

Belief in Most High and a canon is vital. It helps us to focus on law, spirituality and something more important than ourselves.  Even for those of us who may not believe in a “God,” an upholding of our own universal principles is a necessary part of our walking into our purpose.  We definitely want to have a strong belief that allows for us to hold onto a vision as our goal.  Our vision will serve as the blueprint and cause us to build with clear focus that will allow us to achieve our desired outcome.

A strong community begins with a husband and wife being in sync with a similar faith.  We know that marriage is key to the building of a community as well.  We define marriage as sex.  We shall teach our children what it is to be a husband and a wife from birth.  We believe in the same principles that come with the original thought process of the Ankh.  The union of man and woman should produce children who are willing to continue to produce generations of people who are teaching our principles and standards.  Marriage is also a political statement and will be treated as such.  Finally, our family concept will involve the respecting of parents, taking care of one’s children, loving past faults and involving those in our circles as we would would our own relatives.  This also means that if family does wrong that discipline will come from within that same family.  We will not leave any room for outsiders (of our family) to be involved with the discipline and chastisement of our community.

We should make sure that we are healthy.  This means to take care of everything that we can in a wholistic manner.  Our love of self should make its way to the care-taking of our temples.  This means that our food must be used to keep us healthy and medicate us as necessary.  Any ailment that is not caused by extremely blunt trauma should be medicated by our eating the proper sustenance for the specific need. We are interested in an electric/alkaline diet.  This diet will be fed and will be a preemptive strike against any diseases we may come across.

We will be the growers and producers of our own sustenance. The fruits and vegetables that are grown will be used firstly for our community and secondly to be sold to others.  We will involve our children so that they will grow up with the mindset of feeding our community as their norm.

Our money is important.  We believe that currency is necessary to get actual assets.  Just to be clear: Money is not our goal.  Money is our path to greatness.  Money should lead us to getting land, gold, silver, real estate, books, steel, weapons, etc…We are looking to get our hand on as much money as possible to open up as many businesses as possible. We also need to teach the language of money. Let us speak in terms that are connective to IRAs, stocks, bonds, banking, ownership and much, much more.  

This is the most important part of a physical building.  A house can look great.  The windows can be amazing.  The colors and patterns can be out of this world. Your curtains can match the couch, but if your foundation is cracked your house cannot stand. The same goes for that which we shall build.  All of our principles shall be formed upon very sound foundation. If our laws are not governed by principles that run deep; we cannot expect our family to stand.  Remember, the higher the building; the deeper the hole, the stronger the foundation.

We already know that eating less will cause us to grow in health.  It also causes us to grow in tune with nature, God, the universe, our spirit and energy.  Just as it is important to fast from food, we should also fast from other activities to help us as a collective.  It is okay to take breaks from social media, cursing, anger, abusive behavior, lust and other items that could break down the very nature of our society.

That which we say and teach must be true.  Truths on their own are not enough though.  Context is key.  Truth without context means that it becomes propaganda.  Speaking of propaganda… it is okay to use the media to our advantage.  We should use every opportunity to embolden our people to wear their hair, flaunt their noses, love their melanin, exhort their color and push our culture.  We will not teach “his story.”  Our story will be the standard.  The story will be the foundation.  Let us go through our story and find that which is hidden and make it common for generations to come.