Welcome to the Israelite Holy Days page, which is devoted to providing information and guidance to help you celebrate the Israelite holy days according to our culture and tradition.

It is important to remember that we will not be able to follow these traditions perfectly, as we have been separated from our land and traditions for centuries.

*All Israelites are Hebrews, however not all Hebrews are Israelites.


Passover is an Israelite holy day celebrated to commemorate our liberation from slavery in Kemet (Egypt) and the beginning of freedom of the nation of Yah’s people, led by the Prophet Moses. See calendar for celebrating as a community together.

Passover is celebrated from the evening of April 14th till the evening of April 23rd. The 40 days before Passover (March 6th), all leavening is to begin to removed from the home. Passover Guidance

Passover Timeline:

Removal of Leavening Begins: March 6 (40 Days before Passover, begin removing leavening)

Passover Begins: April 15 (evening)

Passover Ends: April 23 (evening)


50 Days after Passover (June 5th), we celebrate Jubilee, concerning our freedom from slavery. See calendar for celebrating as a community together.

Feast of Trumpets

September 26th This is a celebration and feast that allows us to honor The Most High and remember Yashra’al (Israel.) See calendar for celebrating as a community together.